When treating PTSD with hypnotherapy the aim is not to wipe away the memories after all what happened has happened and that in itself can’t be changed. The aim is to desensitise the memory so that it no longer causes you distress or to minimise the distress to a more manageable level.
We all have unpleasant or disturbing memories but they don’t interfere with our day to day lives. Successful treatment for PTSD will return you to a state where you can function well in your day to day life without the distress you previously experienced. Many thousands of people have left PTSD behind and gone on to live full and active lives.
Various treatments are useful with PTSD including hypnotherapy, NLP, EFT, Rewind, cognitive therapy, relaxation and self hypnosis, anxiety management and eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR). The organisation Combat Stress recommended these techniques and others.
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What is Post Traumatic Stress Disorder?
PTSD can develop following involvement in a critical incident such as a life-threatening assault or traffic accident. PTSD can also develop among people who witnessed these events. During the traumatic incident people can feel intense fear, helplessness, horror and a sense of being overwhelmed and unable to cope. It’s difficult to predict who will develop PTSD after such an incident, and not everyone will do so. In some people PTSD develops soon after the trauma. It’s not unusual, however, to see a delayed onset of symptoms, sometimes months or even years after the initial trauma.
The strict definition of PTSD is that the trauma you had or witnessed must be serious. Examples of this are – a severe accident, rape, a life-threatening assault, torture, seeing someone killed or a natural disaster such as a strong earthquake. However, symptoms similar to PTSD can develop in some people after less severe events. What they all have in common, however, is that the problematic symptoms begin with the incident.
Certain groups of people are more prone to PTSD than others such as: Emergency services, especially rescue workers such as fire fighters, survivors of road traffic accidents, victims of rape and sexual abuse and military personnel involved in combat.
Symptoms can include:
- Recurring and intrusive thoughts and memories surrounding the incident. Flashbacks can happen and these can be distressing
- Avoidance: this is when people try to avoid anything that reminds them of the incident. This includes thoughts, conversations, associated places, people, activities or anything which may trigger memories of the trauma.
- A feeling of emotional numbness and feeling isolation from others. Relationships with those close to you may suffer
- You may lose interest in previously enjoyable activities and focus on more negative times
- Hypersensitivity – This includes Irritability and bouts of temper
- Post traumatic stress disorder is generally defined as a condition where the sufferer experiences recurring distressing and intrusive memories and other symptoms after involvement in a traumatic event.
The important thing to remember about PTSD is that it is a normal reaction to an abnormal event which is outside the range of normal experience. Some difficulties for those suffering PTSD are the following:
- Being constantly on guard and aware of every ‘danger’
- Exaggerated startle response, jumping at every little thing
- Problems sleeping or staying asleep, awakening very early and unable to return to sleep
- Difficulty concentrating and short term memory problems.
All of the above are normal reactions to an abnormal event and are easily understood in relation to the ‘fight or flight’ response. In many cases, PTSD resolves itself in about 6 months. In some cases the symptoms of PTSD persist long-term. However you should not wait and see if your symptoms are going to persist beyond 6 months you can seek help immediately after a traumatic incident.
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What is EFT?
EFT (emotional freedom technique) was developed by Gary Craig in the 1990’s and has it’s roots within acupuncture and kinesiology. EFT works by directly impacting on the body’s natural energy flow by tapping on the meridian points much like acupuncture and acupressure.
Some things to consider with EFT are that:
- It will often work on when nothing else will
- It is gentle, works quickly and is long lasting
- It can be easily learned by anyone
- It can be self applied
- No drugs or equipment are required
For more information on PTSD from the NHS – HERE
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